Why You Should Find a Mastermind Group

Finding a Mastermind Group

A mastermind group is a gathering of people who share a similar goal or hobbies. One of the most well-known mastermind groups were The Knights of the Round Table. This was a gathering of warriors King Arthur created to keep Camelot safe and every knight shared his goal. Together, they worked to build a kingdom that was fair and just for everyone.

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Whether you’re interested in a hobby or running a business, you can benefit from having a mastermind group. You’ll be surrounded by people that want to help you succeed and cheer you on. Depending on the mastermind, your group may set goals together, brainstorm solutions to problems, and give feedback on members’ projects.

If you like the idea of a mastermind, here are a few tips to help you find one:

Know What You Want

Are you looking for a group that offers plenty of feedback? Do you want introductions to other people that will help you grow your business? Do you need accountability to ensure you meet your goals?

Before you begin your search, take the time to think about what you really want. Doing this will help you find a mastermind that fits your goals.

Consider Meeting Times

Some mastermind groups meet in person while others meet online. Your mastermind group may gather each week or once a month depending on what members prefer. If you’re already overwhelmed with commitments then it may not be possible for you to meet weekly for several hours. That’s why you should ask about the meeting schedule before you join a group.

Ask about Cost

Some mastermind groups are free and some require members to pay to join. Often, free groups are common with hobbyists. But if you’re looking for a business or financial mastermind, be prepared to pay. That doesn’t mean that the group you join has to be expensive or exclusive.

The cost of the membership fee is not always equal to the value that you’ll receive. For example, you might pay just a few dollars each month for a small mastermind where you get excellent feedback on your projects and plenty of accountability to propel you toward your goals.

Understand What You’re Paying For

When you pay to join a mastermind, the money will go toward the facilitator. She’s the one who’s putting in the time and effort to organize and co-ordinate your group. Without a facilitator, your group will most likely fall apart after a few meetings. That’s why you should take a hard look at your facilitator. A good one is always worth the cost.

Start Your Own Mastermind

If you can’t find a mastermind group that meets your needs, you can always start your own. This might be a good fit if you have a passion for helping people in your niche. You don’t have to be an expert before you become a facilitator. You don’t even have to leave your house if you don’t want to. You can arrange meetings by Skype, on a webinar, or through video conferencing software.

Joining a mastermind is a great way to meet people who share the same goals and interests as you do. But keep in mind you’ll only get out of it as much as you put into it. Be willing to help other members and encourage them when needed.

Discover how to find new friends and enjoy new experiences when you join the waitlist for my group, “Higher Ed Side Hustler Mastermind.”