5 Ways to Evaluate Your Strengths at Work

The path to career success is understanding your strengths and using them to your advantage. Discovering your strengths at work ensures you find a career that you enjoy and excel at. Knowing these strengths allows you to make the right career choices to enhance your abilities in the most optimal way for success and happiness. Here are five strategies to help you identify your strengths at work. 

Notice What Feels Right

Beyond breaks or the end of your shift, what are the moments that feel right to you? When are you the most comfortable, or what do you look forward to the most throughout your workday? These are likely areas that you excel in because you feel comfortable and confident.

Take Notice of Your Most Productive Moments

Another great way to find your strengths is to highlight the moments where you are most productive. Are there things you know you can get done without wasting any time? When did you feel the proudest of yourself at work, and why? 

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Take Risks and Trust Yourself More

The best way to learn your strengths is to take risks. Take that discomfort, move through it, and try learning things. The more you try new things, the more you can discover what you like doing and are naturally good at, as well as where you need to grow.

Failure will only lead to growth as it always teaches you something. Either you enjoy it and now have the determination to do better or learn that it is not a strength you want to possess.

Ask A Coworker or Your Superior

Are there things your coworker or superior constantly rely on you for? What do you believe would be the first thing to fall apart if you left your job today? If you're unsure, ask your coworkers what they'd miss most about you regarding your work if you quit. It's astounding the various perspectives your coworkers and colleagues have of you.

Evaluate Both Positive and Negative Feedback

What activities do you always receive compliments on or good feedback from? While this Is a great place to look, it is also important to note that all feedback Is beneficial even if it may sting a little.

Just because something isn't your strength now doesn't mean you can't make it. If you feel disappointed in it, then you likely value yourself and have the strength to do it inside you somewhere. You need to practice.

If you are still struggling to identify your strengths after going through this list, you are likely in the wrong career or job. Don't be afraid to leave and keep experimenting. Comfort and happiness are essential for living and gaining a successful career.